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- President of Smartertech for Development Inc

Judith Butagira is an influencer and a founder of "Smartertech for Development Inc.", which is a federal corporation in Canada. SFD is proudly a member of The Canada Black Business Chamber of Commerce.  She is an out of the box thinker, and an astute negotiator with strong leadership skills. She believes in her ability to bring a strong team together to focus on the objectives of the company. Judith brings to the team over 20 years of professional experience in project management, social marketing, sales, trade, organizational behavior and information technology.

Judith is an Alumni of Management Sciences for Health in Boston, Makerere University-Uganda, and a co-founder in Canada of the award winning technology skills development center KiBO foundation. She is also a certified coach with a heart for community, and has sat at several not-for-profit boards including Next Generation Schools founded by Mara Foundation, HPS-Uganda (a change maker school for special needs education in Uganda (which is part of the Ashoka Network), Family Care Hospital Foundation in Canada and Imuka Ventures in Uganda.


Judith has directly managed and has structured projects and companies with budgets from $500,000 to over $7,000,000 (USD) as an Executive Director, whilst managing teams of up to 100 staff members. She has hands on experience in fundraising and heading projects funded by the World Bank, German Development Bank KFW, Frankfurt, DFID, CIDA and USAID in the developing world. Judith has been part of several research initiatives through NorConsult in Tanzania, and more recently as a local research coordinator for Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, where her research dealt with the “Role of National Pension Funds in the Development of Renewable Energy Projects". 

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